Academy of reading student log in

Login – Reading School District

Students: Please sign in Here using your RSD credentials. Parents/Guardians: Please login with your username and password. If you were provided an Access …

ReadingPlus Student Login

Student Login. Did you forget your site code? Ask your teacher for help. Next. Incorrect Site Code Please try again, or contact your teacher.

Student Reading Log

Student Reading Log is a program which tracks the number of words a student reads. It looks up books based on the ISBN number or title, and is designed to …

Student Reading Log is a program which tracks the number of words a student reads. It looks up books based on the ISBN number or title, and is designed to work alongside an incentive program run by a school that rewards students for reading a certain number of words.

Amplify Reading — login or access for teachers and students

Welcome to Amplify Reading teacher and student login.

Sound Reading – User Login

Sound Reading Software

School Student Login · School Teacher/Administrator Login.

On-line Reading Program for School users

Reading School District – Clever | Log in

Hints for logging in with Google. Username hint: Please use your RSD Google Account. Teachers: Usernames: your email. Student Usernames: your …

Log in to i-Ready

Log in to i-Ready®, online assessment and instruction that helps teachers provide all students a path to proficiency and growth in reading and mathematics.

McGraw Hill: PreK-12 Login

McGraw Hill

PreK-12 Login. Username or Email. Password. Log In. Forgot your password?Forgot your username? Create teacher accountCreate student account.

Login – myON®

Sign In – myON®

School NameRequired. Type two or more letters to search, … myON is here to help ensure your students can keep reading and learning even if schools close.

Learner Login : Select School – Scientific Learning

Learner Login : Select School

Student Login. First choose your school or district. Enter the first few letters of your school or district name, then choose from the list.

Keywords: academy of reading student log in